Thursday, July 2, 2009

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.

One beautiful recitation which I would love to share with you readers.


زليخا blogged at 10:55:00 PM

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
Hope you readers are in the best of health and iman, ameen.
Spend some time watching and really understand the video. Hope it benefits us all insyaALLAH.

[You can also check into other related videos]
* * *
See how important it is to do our prayers in time? If YOU think praying five times a day is a 'burden', then ask yourself: How do you spend your day? I bet there will be atleast a couple of times when you 'waste' the precious minutes(or even hours) talking unnecassary stuffs, enjoying and all that. Correct?
THIS is also an advice not only for my brothers and sisters, but also for myself.

WALLAHu ta'ala alam.

زليخا blogged at 10:41:00 PM