Thursday, June 25, 2009

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb,

Persoalan mengenai muzik bukanlah perkara baru dalam Islam. Ia telah disebut sejak zaman Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam lagi. Muzik merupakan sebahagian daripada seni dalam kehidupan manusia. Apakah sikap Islam terhadap cabang seni ini? Sebenarnya Islam telah menggariskan dasar-dasarnya berhubung dengan hukum muzik dan alat-alatnya.
Apakah dasar-dasar Islam itu?

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Muzik ialah gubahan bunyi yanng menghasilkan bentuk dan irama yang indah, yang menyenangkan.
Perkataan 'muzik' berasal daripada bahasa Yunani daripada kata 'Mousike' yang diambil daripada nama dewa atau tuhan Yunani kuno yang bernama Mouse, yang mengikut kepercayaan mereka adalah tuhan mereka yang mengetuai bidang seni dan ilmu.
Muzik tidak boleh lari daripada alat-alatnya kerana daripada alat-alat inilah timbul alunan bunyi irama yang disebutkan di atas, sama ada ia berbentuk:

(i) Yang dipukul atau dipal seperti gendang, rebana dan lain-lain.

(ii) Yang ditiup seperti gendang seruling, serunai, trompet dan lain-lain.

(iii) Yang dipetik seperti kecapi, gambus, gitar, biola dan lain-lain.

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Kedudukan hukum mmuzik itu akan tergantung kepada apa jenis alat dan penggunaannya kerana ada di antaranya (alat) yang diharamkan oleh syara' dan ada pula tidak. Jadinya kedudukan hukum muzik itu sendiri akan tertakluk kepada perkara-parkara berikut:

(i) Menggunakan alat-alat muzik yang dilarang oleh syara'. maka kedudukan muziik itu adalah haram.

(ii) Menggunakan alat muzik yang diharuskan oleh syara', maka kedudukannya adalah harus seperti memukul ghirbal (sejenis rebana) sewakti pernikahan.

(iii) Bermain alat muzik yang harus, namun telah dicampur dengan perkara-perkara yang haram seperti nyanyian-nyanyian cinta asmara, bercampur lelaki dan perempuan[suara perempuan yang bernyanyi; hukum haram(melainkan depan mahram; seperti abg, ayah)] disertai dengan arak, judi dan sebagainya. Para ulama telah sepakat menghukumkan bermain alat muzik dalam keadaan seperti ini adalah haram.

Adapun alat-alat muzik yang ditegah oleh syara', ialah sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh hadis-hadis Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam seperti berikut.
Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Umamah Radhiallahu 'anhu telah bersabda Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, yang bermaksud :

"Bahawa Allah 'Azza wa Jalla telah membangkitkan sayan menjadi Nabi dengan membawa hidayat dan rahmat kepada orang-orang mukminin dan Allah telah memrintahkan saya menghapuskan alat ma'azik(alat muzik buyian) dan alat-alat mazamir(seperti seruling) dan alat-alat awtar(bunyi-buyian bertali), salib(cross) dan perkara-perkara jahiliah dan Tuhan saya telah bersumpah dengan kebesaranNya dan kekuasaanNya dan denngan kemuliaanNya."

"Kubah itu haram, dannu itu haram, ma'azif(alat muzik bertali) itu haram dan alat muzik jenis bertiup itu haram."

"Ditukarkan keadaan satu golongan daripada umatku kepada keadaan yang lebih buruk dengan sebab mereka meminum arak dan bermain kubah(sejenis gendang)dan ma'azif.

"Satu kumpulan daripada umatku pada akhir zaman, ditukarkan mereka menjadi monyet-monyet dan babi-babi, sahabat-sahabat berkata: "Ya Rasulullah, adakah, mereka itu orang-orang Islam?"
Sabda Baginda: "Ya, mereka mengucap dua kalimah syahadat dan mereka mengerjakan puasa"
Kata sahabat-sahabat: "Mengapa mereka jadi bergini Ya Rasulullah?"
Sabda Baginda: "Mereka bermain dan berhibur dengan alat-alat bunyi-buyian dan penyani-penyanyi wanita dan dengan rebana dan mereka minum berbagai jenis arak dan mereka bermalam dengan minuman mereka dan hiburan riuh-rendah mereka, maka pada hari hari, mereka telah ditukarkan rupa(menjadi monyet dan babi)

WALLAHu ta'ala 'alam.

AlhamduliLLAH, after doing some 'researchings' about music, I hope these facts gave you a little much more idea..

The sayings and sentence structuring ai'nt that difficult to understand right?
You are welcomed to tag me on anything.
..Be it opinions, questions(InsyaALLAH I'll try to handle on that),
advices etc..
I'm just a normal human being who constantly makes mistakes, be it with/without knowing it.

May ALLAH protect us from the bad things and from the whisperings of Syaitan. Nau'dzubiLLAH.


زليخا blogged at 4:59:00 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



In view of the importance given to human senses and the mind, the Quran declares in the clearest terms that people who do not use their senses and their minds are not living their lives on a human level.

They are in fact living on an animalistic level and are admonished:
“Many among human beings have adopted a lifestyle that will lead them to hell. They have a mind but do not use it to think and reflect. They have eyes but do not see. They have ears but cannot hear. They are not human beings and are even worse than animals. They are neglectful.” (7/179)

This verse also indicates that knowledge is only that which can be explained by the senses and the mind.
Intangible, abstract matters have nothing to do with the senses.

Observation of natural phenomena and the study of the universe, experimentation to discover the laws of creation, maintenance, and workings of the components of the universe are the applications of sense-perception. In modern terminology this is called scientific knowledge.

As the Quran states, the pursuit of such knowledge is the duty of all believers.


زليخا blogged at 11:46:00 AM

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.

Death may come upon us at any time, and it is our last deed that counts most: Put together, these two realities make it clear that we must continually repent for our sins and sins and that it is foolishness to put off repentance for another day.

In relation to this point, there is an interesting story related about two brothers. One of them, who lived on the top floor of a house they shared together, was a pious worshipper; the other, who lived on the ground floor, was a prolfic doer of evil deeds. The former was confident-in fact, a little too confident and self-complacent for his own good.
He actually desired that the Devil should try to tempt him, so that he could resist the tempation and soar to higher levels of righteousness.

One day, the Devil did appear before him, perhaps in a form of a man(it is not mentioned in the narration).
The Devil said, "So very sad that you have spent 40 years inhibiting the satisfation of your desires and tiring your body in worship. You have 40 more years to live, you know; why don't you enjoy yourself and follow your lusts for a while. Then you can always repent and return to worship later on. After all, ALLAH is Most-Forgiving,Most Merciful."

The worshipper thought to himself: "I will go down to my brother on the first floor, and I will join him in the pursuit of pleasure for 20 years. Then,in the last 20 years of my life, I will repent to ALLAH and worship Him."

He then began to descend the stairs to the first floor.

Meanwhile, his brother was going through a transformation of his own. He thought to himself: "I wasted away my entire life in sin. My brother, the worshipper, will enter paradise, while I will enter Hell-fire. By ALLAH, I will indeed repent, go up to my brother and join him, for as long as I live, in the worship of ALLAH. Perhaps ALLAH will then forgive me."

He ascended the stairs, will the intention of repenting to ALLAH, while his brother was descending with the intention of leading a life of sin. The latter slipped on one of the stairs, tumbled down, and knocked down his brother. Both of them died.

I mentioned it earlier, and I'll mention it here again: It is, of course, the last deed that counts most.

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Interesting, but the ending is quite sad; for the worshipper, who had been on the right path for the last 40 years, but in the end.....

It is truly encouraging to know that the door to repentance is always open.
Glad tidings, then, to every Muslim who constantly and consistently hastens to repent to ALLAH and to ask Him forgiveness.

May this short story benefits us all :)
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Assalamu'alaikum WarahmatuLLAH.

زليخا blogged at 11:36:00 AM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
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The Quran is the word of God revealed as Guidance to all the worlds.

As such we should treat the Quran with reverence and try to memorize, listen, recite and practice as much as we can.

It is my hope that you, my sisters and brothers can listen to some of great qari's and determine who you enjoy listening to and then go out and buy Quran tapes and CD's.

Listen to Quran recitation while following along with a translation that you understand, it will open up a whole new world of Islam for you, insyaALLAH!


Islam Beliefs:
Muslims have 5 key Faith (beliefs).
:: Its is Faith in Allah Almighty as the one and only God.
:: Faith in angels.
:: Faith in the judgment day.
:: Faith in the Prophets...
:: Faith in the divine books

Allah Almighty [God]
:: Allah Almighty is the name Muslims use for the God, who formed and rules all. The spirit of conviction for all Muslims is submission to Allah's will.

0 Allah Almighty is everlasting, omniscient, and all powerful...
0 Allah Almighty has always exists and will forever exist.
0 Allah Almighty knows all that can be recognized.
0 Allah Almighty can do everything that can be done.
0 Allah Almighty has no contour or form...
0 Allah Almighty can't be seen [as a physical entity]
0 Allah Almighty can't be heard [as we heard each other]
0 Allah Almighty is neither male nor feminine.
0 Allah Almighty bestows and penalizes fairly.
0 Allah Almighty is compassionate.
0 A faithful can move towards Allah Almighty by abiding laws which are mentioned in Quran.
0 Muslims worship only Allah Almighty because He is praiseworthy of reverence.

WALLAHu'alam. Thanks for the time reading this post! ;D

Assalamu'alaikum WarahmatuLLAH.

زليخا blogged at 11:13:00 AM

Dear readers, as we all know, taking wudhu before doing our prayers are an obligation to us Muslims, right? So here I would like to extand the facts and insyaALLAH, will post more details about these, right here in this post.

p/s: The 'messages' here may look kinda hairywiring but trust me, it's easy to understand.

The Holy Prophet (peace be on him) said,
"WUDHU is the key to prayer as prayer is the key to Paradise. ISLAM lays extreme stress on cleanliness and "TAHARAT".

As external actions have deep impact upon internal feelings, such as artificial crying makes a person sad as well as artificial laughter makes one happy so is cleanliness and ablution.

Purified body lends to purity of mind, however, cleanliness which is ablution, or wudhu, has been made compulsory before each prayer and in certain cases even a full bath has been made obligatory before prayer.

[The following things lapse or brake the Wudhu]

*Answering the call of nature
*Passing the water
*Passing the wind
*Sleeping or dozing off while leaning against a support
*Drawing blood

WALLAHu ta'ala alam.
See how important it is to keep ourselves clean? Not only when it's payer time that we have to keep our cleanliness at bay, we should do THAT everytime, anywhere we are.
Neverless, it won't harm to take our ablution before praying, right my sisters and brothers?

May ALLAH guide us all, ameen.
Assalamu'alaikum WarahmatuLLAH.

زليخا blogged at 11:07:00 AM

AlhamduliLLAH. For today's post, it will be on prayers. No harm spending a few minutes reading :)

The human being is the only creature who has been distinguished from other creatures with the instinct of knowing right from wrong.
He is, therefore, the only one who is expected to be the perfect image of his Creator.
That is why the objective of his life is to know his Creator and become a perfect image of his attributes, as

Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
"I have not created jins and humans but, for my worship"

SALAT or the method of worship is the main media through which a human can establish a relationship with his Creator and it is one of the main doors which leads to his complete submission to Allah's will.

Salat also prevents him from wrongdoings.
Allah says:
"Surely prayer restrains one from indecency and manifest evil."

Which shows that Salat or prayer is a guarantee from Allah that if a worshipper observes prayer with all its conditions, he will be safe from evils, manifest or hidden, small or great.

The Holy Prophet (peace be on him) asked to the companions,
"if one of you had a stream running by his door and he takes a bath in it five times a day, would any dirt be left on him?."

They replied,
"No dirt would be left on him".
The Holy Prophet said:
"This is the case with Salat (the five daily prayers) Allah makes the Salat wipe out his sins".

When we reflect on the creation of the universe and the law that governs it and the design and variety that pleases our eyes, we naturally are convinced of existence and greatness of Allah.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:
"In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the day there are indeed signs for men of understanding;"
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth:
"Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain; nay, Holy art Thou; save us, then, from the punishment of the Fire." (Al-Imran, verse 19l-192)

This verse beautifully tells us that when a worshipper reflects upon the structure of the Universe he becomes overwhelmed with the greatness of its Creator.
The ENTITY Who created such an awe-inspiring structure with such detailed arrangement and accuracy. He is alone to be worshipped and so right for protection.

There are five daily prayer services participation in which is obligatory. This may seem a little too much, but it is all a matter of comparative values. Those who realize the true value of prayer through experience are convinced that time spent in it is occupied much more beneficially than that spent in other pursuits.

There is no ordained priesthood in Islam.
Every Muslim can be Imam (who leads congregational prayer) and can deliver a sermon. The members of the congregation may select, and for this purpose, they should choose one from among themselves who knows the Holy Quran better than the others. No vestment is prescribed for the Imam nor any special dress for the congregation. All that needed is the body and the head should be decently and cleanly covered.

Hope these gives u a little more idea how important it is not to miss our prayers, 5 times a day.
Thanks for reading. :D
Assalamu'alikum warahmatuLLAH.

زليخا blogged at 11:05:00 AM


Salaat - System of Islam

Islam is the name of obeying the Islamic Laws in every walk of life; it is the complete submission to these laws.

Salaat, a Prayer, in this way is the practical admittance and concrete manifestation of subservience to Islamic Laws from the deepest recesses of the muslims heart.

Salaat - Meaning of the Word

The word Namaaz, usually used for Salaat is not of Arabic language; it is a Persian word; but more than that, it is Pahlvi in its connotation.

It was used for the old method of worship popular among the Persians.

Later on when the alien conspiracies were made to prevail upon the teachings of Islam, this word was used for the congregations of Salaat; now this same word is in vogue.

The word Salaat that has come in the Quran is very vast and comprehensive.

Its basic meanings are “ to comply some one from within or to submit and to be under the command of some one.”
In this way, according to the Quran, Salaat is a collective process through which a true Quranic Society is established.

That is why the meanings of Salaat is “balanced and continuous tempo and incessant obedience to the Divine Laws from the deepest recesses of heart.”

It is plain enough that this entity is collective, it is not individual in nature.

The Quran has also used this word for the congregations of Salaat – Namaaz.

Hope these facts in a way benefits us all insyaALLAH.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

زليخا blogged at 10:02:00 AM